Strategic policy suggestions towards a new approach in countering violent extremism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors: Muamer Hirkić, Damir Kapidžić & Sead Turčalo

Year: 2022

Chapter title: Strategic policy suggestions towards a new approach in countering violent extremism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Book title: Violent extremism in the Western Balkans: Islam, identity and measures countering radicalisation

Editor: Michele Brunelli

Publisher: L'Harmattan, Paris

ISBN: 978-2-14-025614-1

Date published online: /

Pages: 148–192



The global phenomenon of violent extremism is not a new occurrence, and thus it is impossible to view it as an isolated phenomenon, which takes place outside the social structures and specific contexts that significantly determine and direct it. In the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), this phenomenon is a consequence of several major events, which accentuated the subject of violent extremism in the work of a variety of state and non-state actors, as well as within the academia and the media.The Strategy was adopted at the state level, yet BiH has a complex institutional structure with many levels of governance.The subnational levels are primarily responsible for the implementation of most elements of the Strategy, which produces issues in the operationalisation of the document and hinders policy transfer from the state to lower levels of governance.


Suggested citation:

Hirkić, M., Kapidžić, D. & Turčalo, S. 2022. Strategic policy suggestions towards a new approach in countering violent extremism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Michele Brunelli, edt. Violent extremism in the Western Balkans: Islam, identity and measures countering radicalisation. Paris: L'Harmattan.